Unfiltered and Unrivaled: Reddit as Your Marketing Strategy Lab

By Eric Sharpe The fear and anxiety of being dropped off at a mall by your parents is nothing compared to your first Reddit post. As a brand, you will be judged. It will be public. And it could be painful. But if you can figure out how to walk the walk and talk the…

Unlocking B2B Growth Through Social Media

By Jessica Levin In the digital age, the landscape of B2B (business-to-business) marketing has transformed significantly. One of the most powerful tools driving this change is social media. Traditionally seen as a platform for B2C interactions, social media has proven to be an invaluable asset for B2B companies seeking to engage, inform, and convert their…

Supercharge Your Creative AND Analytical Workflows with AI

By Alfredo Narez You have ambitious goals – driving results for your business and achieving your individual career aspirations in marketing or a related creative field.  The problem?  There never seems to be enough time to tackle it all.  Between demanding workloads, rapidly changing trends, and the sheer volume of data to be analyzed, finding…

5 Powerful Reasons Typography Matters in Today’s AI-Generated World

by Cassie Hanuscak Artificial intelligence is accelerating, transforming our world with a shift more significant than the birth of the internet had on a single generation. AI just may surpass the evolution that came from electricity itself.   The reality is that AI can now handle many tasks faster and more cost-effectively than humans. It’s a…

Evolution of a Marketing Career: Navigating Change with Adaptability

Unlike our parents’ generation, today’s path to career “success” is rarely linear. My career has evolved from supporting roles in agencies to leading a company through a global pandemic. Now, I am a co-founder of a company at the forefront of AI. The journey has been a story of adaptability, continuous learning, and embracing the…

Your Next Digital Shift is Now

by Dan Abernathy 2024 is to be the year of generative AI. Wait. Haven’t we already been asking Alexa to play ‘Yanni Live at the Acropolis’ only to experience the public shame of having it play Micheal Bolton’s ‘Time, Love & Tenderness’ instead? It’s Friday night, you’re in the kitchen with your significant other and…

Navigating the Marketing Maze of Health

by Abby England The start of a new year brings the potential of a new you. If you’re like most, a few health-related goals earn coveted spots on your New Year’s resolution list. But data shows that by the end of January, nearly 43% of people have given up on their goals in part because…

Is Reading Work?

by Mickey Mellen, Technical Managing Partner Green Mellen ‘Tis the Season to be busy doing year-end business planning, shopping, packing, decorating, preparing for guests to visit, and possibly setting your New Year’s resolutions.  If one of your resolutions is to read more, our December feature article is for you! In episode 179 of The Long…

Small Team. Big Results: How Small Companies Thrive with Team-Involved Hiring

By Andy Suggs – CEO, Brand Strategist, Reckon Branding As many small business owners can relate, adding a new person to your team is huge. You only have to deal with annoying clients here and there, but if you make a wrong hire, they are living in your space each and every day. Resumes give you…

How to “TUNE INTO” Your Career Journey with More Confidence

By Phil Davis, PHR As Career Professionals, it can often be challenging and frustrating to know where we want to go within our career journeys. We may feel lost, alone, stuck, and confused. And, sometimes, we may not even feel like we have made an impact in our careers with our past or present employers…