Superstar! Freelancers Rule 2022

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Need a little sparkle on that project? Team seeming lackluster? Never fear, your Superstar is here! Freelancers are proving an enlightened choice for staffing needs this year. Let’s look at how these specialized professionals can bring a little bling to your thing.

Everyone knows workforce habits are changing and while no one is certain where it’s all headed, one trend is clear – people are leaving their current jobs to seek new opportunities at unprecedented rates. So how can employers balance the need to quickly fill roles with great talent, manage budgets and navigate all the uncertainty?  

By hiring a freelancer, of course! Never underestimate how these bright lights can illuminate a path through your long or short-term staffing needs. Let’s review some areas where they shine most bright:


Freelance talent pools are eager and ready to jump into new roles, work flexible timetables, hours and job rates. The bonus here is that many can wave a variety of professional magic wands, as well. All this allows employers to quickly ramp up on special projects, fill spots that are temporarily vacated, cover sudden or unexpected changes, and gain access to varied skill sets. 

Morale Lift & Productivity Punch

Bringing in a freelancer can really lift morale. When teams start to feel the pinch, the extra help not only indicates management is aware of the strain, but also that they are advocating for and supportive of them. Additionally, the helping hand can boost overall productivity just by providing a little breathing room.

Budget Booster

Often managers are challenged by budgetary constraints that are beyond their control. Compound this with a sudden urgency to hire up and you’ve got an instant need for a freelance superstar. Onboarding costs are minimized due to the specialized nature of targeted hiring, rates are negotiable, and timelines are flexible. In short, all the full-time overhead expenses and administration are eliminated. Budgets can more easily be adhered to when engaging with freelance talent.

Freelancer superstars shine bright in a lot of important staffing areas! A few of them include:

⭐️ Copywriting

⭐️ Graphic Design

⭐️ Project Management

⭐️ Digital Marketing Strategy

Ready to meet your sparkly new professional superstar? We’re happy to make an introduction! Reach out to Hire Profile today!